Tuesday Mornings
10.15am to 12.15pm Community Arts Centre Roaring Meg Stevenage. Tuesday mornings 10.15 to 12.15 Cost £40 10 weeks. Starting Tuesday 22nd April English Country Houses. Late Medieval to Jacobean. Speaker: Adam Smith Details to follow |
Thursday Mornings10.15am to 12.15pm Community Arts Centre Roaring Meg Stevenage. Thursday mornings 10.15 to 12.15 Cost £40 PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL NOT BE A CLASS ON 1st MAY AS THE CENTRE IS BEING USED AS A POLLING STATION Speaker : Chris Budd. 24th April. The Art of the Movie Poster. 8th May. British Film Industry 15th May. British Film Industry 22nd May. British Film Industry 5th June. British Film Industry 12th June. British Film Industry 19th June. Colour in Film. 29th May. Nik Pringle.Introduction to Murder 26th June. Mike Barbakoff. The story of Allied Code Breaking in WW2 3rd July. Lesley Ayres. Psychology.Subject tbc More details to follow |